Prog rock legends Rush debuted the lead single for their new album, Clockwork Angels, yesterday, the nearly seven-and-a-half-minute "Headlong Flight."

This morning, they released an official lyric video for the track, which you can watch below.

"'Headlong Flight' was one of those songs that was a joy to write and record from beginning to end," frontman Geddy Lee told Rolling Stone. "Alex [Lifeson] and I had blast jamming in my home studio one day before the second leg of the Time Machine tour, and I did not revisit that jam until a year later.

"Alex and I assembled the song to be an instrumental and its original title was 'Take That Lampshade Off Yo Head!," but once we saw the lyrics Neil [Peart] had written, I knew that the spirit of the lyrics matched the instrumental perfectly and it was just a matter of making them fit and writing the melodies."

Clockwork Angels will be released June 12.
